Daniel Weiss – Systemowa Szkoła Przedsiębiorczości

Daniel Weiss

About the trainer

The creator of many innovative training workshops, implementing cross-cutting methodologies such as: Lego® Serious Play®, Business Model YOU, Agile and Gamification.

He is one of the co-authors of Business Model for Teams. As part of various European projects, he trained educators, facilitators, trainers, curators, young entrepreneurs and adults seeking to change industries.

Together with Vania MAGALHĂES, he designed innovative workshops combining the System Approach, LEGO® Serious Play® with Business Model You and Branding.




Team building

Additional information

One of the main values of the methods used is to guarantee all participants the same right to speech and the comfort of an honest and open look at the problem being discussed.

This gives the opportunity to listen to the ideas of those people who would not be able to express their views under other circumstances.

And this is one of the most surprising elements of the workshop – it often turns out that many interesting ideas about difficult situations in the company come from people who have so far been overshadowed by others.

It is also important that the attention of the participants is not focused on the person speaking, but on the model they propose. Thanks to this, the participants engage in a substantive discussion, very often deepening the discussed topic with issues that were previously overlooked or even ignored.