Training subject: “A synergistic team based on FRIS”
Training objectives:
The main goal of the training is to guide the team to look for potential, at the same time deciphering the intention and supporting the needs, expectations and goals. As a result, understanding of the mechanisms of perception of reality influencing the reception of a specific message or situation will follow.
Thanks to participation in the training, you will:
• learn and be able to name and list the styles of thinking according to FRIS,
• practice and you will be able to apply communication models to facilitate the provision of feedback,
• understand conflict as part of team building and learn about the team building phases.
Recipients of training:
The training is dedicated to teams wishing to:
• get to know each other better,
• develop despite differences,
• build potential on diversity,
• integrate to achieve better results.
A few words about the method:
Using the FRIS methodology and the LEGO® Serious Play method, we ensure that it is a perfect combination of stimulating creativity among employees intertwined with the provision of knowledge about cognitive styles. We believe that team synergy needs a space for diagnosis and mutual understanding of intentions and needs.
Coach profile:
Katarzyna Czajkowska – Accredited ICF coach at the ACC level, certified clean coach, business trainer, FRIS trainer, author of AROFATEM cards, owner of a printing house and publishing house. She teaches coaching at the SET Group Coaching Academy. She graduated from the Faculty of Professional and Personnel Consulting and Management with a specialization in Psychology in Management. She is a member of Toastmasters International, under which she became a finalist of the Polish Humorous Speaking Championship and Polish Vice-Champion of Improvised Speaking. Originator and co-organizer of the Poznań Leader Studio, where leadership competences are developed. Points Of You method practitioner.
Additional information:
- Mode: offline
- Duration: 6h-8h (1 day)
- Number of participants: 8-15
- Number of trainers: 1
- Certificate: YES
- Language of the training: Polish
Training price:
1 trainer: PLN 4200 net (+ 23% VAT)