Implementer: Wielkopolska Szkoła Przedsiębiorczości Sp. z o. o. and the Foundation for Social Participation
Completion date: 01/06/2017 – 30/09/2018
Implementation area: Wielkopolskie Voivodeship
We offer: courses, trainings, workshops, internships (scholarship PLN 1,300)
Get experience, get work and additional skills !!!
People interested in gaining new qualifications are invited to participate in the project:. „Join in! Social and professional activation project „
The project is addressed to people from the Wielkopolska region, unemployed or professionally inactive, at risk of poverty or social exclusion, including disabled people
The project involves the participation of 100 unemployed people (70F, 30M) (40 unemployed and 60 professionally inactive).
The aim of the project is to: increase the socio-professional activity of the project participants through individual career counseling and psychological counseling, group workshops on social competences and skills, and directing project participants to further vocational activation classes based on the Individual Action Plan. The project also provides for professional training to improve competences (ending with an internal exam) and a 4-month internship or in the field of social activation – integration workshops. All project participants will be covered by employment and social work.
The project assumes: promoting social inclusion, combating poverty and any discrimination, implementing comprehensive programs of social and professional activation based on the reintegration path created individually for each Project Participant.
As part of the project, we offer:
- individual classes with a career counselor, psychologist, training of social competences and skills, social work with the Project Participant
- job placement (meeting with a career counselor)
- free professional course (for 60% of participants)
- group integration workshops, art workshops
- paid 3-month professional internships with a PLN 1,300 scholarship (for 60% of participants)
Detailed recruitment criteria:
- Place of residence: Wielkopolskie voivodship
- Age of Participants 18-64 years
- Status on the labor market: unemployed or economically inactive persons benefiting from social assistance benefits or eligible for support. In the first place, long-term unemployed persons qualified by the Poviat Labor Office for the III profile of assistance will be recruited, people receiving support from POPŻ (Food Aid Operational Program), people with disabilities
- People at risk of social exclusion or poverty, who qualify for social assistance support.
- Persons in a disadvantaged financial situation, meeting the condition of poverty, who are entitled to social assistance benefits, e.g. participating in the Food Aid Operational Program.
- Places in the project: 70 women and 30 men are expected to participate
Project implementation schedule:
1. Recruitment of project participants (100 people)
2. Psychosocial support center (100 people) – individual classes with a career counselor, psychologist, training of social competences and skills, social work with a Project Participant
3. Development of professional competences (60 people) – vocational courses – improvement of professional competences, implementation of min. 1 vocational course
4. Center for social inclusion (social activation) (40 people) – group integration workshops, art workshops (decoupage, clay molding, ceramic painting, wicker weaving)
5. Center for professional inclusion – Professional activation – internships (60 people) – adapted to the individual career path of the Participant.
During the internship (3 months), each Participant will receive a PLN 1,300.00 internship per month.
6. Job placement (100 people) – Each Participant will be covered by job placement, thanks to which they will get to know their professional profile and planned development path, together with an advisor, prepare a CV and cover letter, learn the specifics of the local labor market.
If you are interested in participating in the project, please contact us by phone: 577 666 854 or by sending an e-mail:
The application form, please send by post or submit it in person at the project office:
Project office:
ul Sieradzka 4c
60-163 Poznań
Documents to download:
Recruitment and participation regulations
Update on 09.05.2018
In connection with the implementation of the project no. RPWP.07.01.02-30-0032 / 16 entitled: „Join in! Social and professional activation project” co-financed by the European Union under the European Social Fund under the Wielkopolska Regional Operational Program for 2014-2020, we invite you to submit offers for conducting vocational courses, in accordance with the subject of study indicated in the appendix.
Documents to download:
Update on 09.05.2018
In connection with the implementation of the project no. RPWP.07.01.02-30-0032 / 16 entitled: „Join in! Social and professional activation project” co-financed by the European Union under the European Social Fund under the Wielkopolska Regional Operational Program for 2014-2020, we invite you to submit offers for conducting vocational courses, in accordance with the subject of study indicated in the appendix.
Documents to download:
Update on 07.03.2018
In connection with the implementation of the project no. RPWP.07.01.02-30-0032 / 16 entitled: „Join in! Social and professional activation project” co-financed by the European Union under the European Social Fund under the Wielkopolska Regional Operational Program for 2014-2020, we invite you to submit offers for conducting vocational courses, in accordance with the subject of study indicated in the appendix.
Documents to download:
Update on 05.03.2018
In connection with the implementation of the project no. RPWP.07.01.02-30-0032 / 16 entitled: „Join in! Social and professional activation project” co-financed by the European Union under the European Social Fund under the Wielkopolska Regional Operational Program for 2014-2020, we invite you to submit offers for conducting vocational courses, in accordance with the subject of study indicated in the appendix.
Documents to download:
Update on 14.02.2018
In connection with the implementation of the project no. RPWP.07.01.02-30-0032 / 16 entitled: „Join in! Social and professional activation project” co-financed by the European Union under the European Social Fund under the Wielkopolska Regional Operational Program for 2014-2020, we invite you to submit offers for conducting vocational courses, in accordance with the subject of study indicated in the appendix.
Documents to download:
Update on 18.01.2018
In connection with the implementation of the project no. RPWP.07.01.02-30-0032 / 16 entitled: „Join in! Social and professional activation project” co-financed by the European Union under the European Social Fund under the Wielkopolska Regional Operational Program for 2014-2020, we invite you to submit offers for conducting vocational courses, in accordance with the subject of study indicated in the appendix.
Documents to download:
Update on 08.12.2017
In connection with the implementation of the project no. RPWP.07.01.02-30-0032 / 16 entitled: „Join in! Social and professional activation project” co-financed by the European Union under the European Social Fund under the Wielkopolska Regional Operational Program for 2014-2020, we invite you to submit offers for conducting vocational courses, in accordance with the subject of study indicated in the appendix.
Documents to download:
- Market insight as part of the project „Join in! Social and professional activation project” with attachments
- The offer form with attachments.
Update on 10.11.2017
In connection with the implementation of the project „Join in! Project of social and professional activation” no. RPWP.07.01.02.-30-0032 / 16, co-financed by the European Union under the European Social Fund under the Regional Operational Program of the Wielkopolska Region: Priority axis: 7. Social inclusion, Action: 7.1 . Active integration, Sub-measure 7.1.2. Active integration – competition projects, we invite you to submit offers for the training / vocational courses service along with the final exams and the issuance of certificates leading to professional qualifications
Document to download:
Market research in the project
Update on 12.10.2017
In connection with the implementation of the project „Join in! Social and professional activation project” no. RPWP.07.01.02.-30-0032 / 16″, co-financed by the European Union under the European Social Fund under the Regional Operational Program of the Wielkopolska Region: Priority axis: 7. Social inclusion, Action: 7.1 . Active integration, Sub-measure 7.1.2. Active integration – competition projects, we invite you to submit offers for the rental of rooms and catering for project participants.
Inquiry – market research, price – room rental
Inquiry – market research, catering pricing
Świadczenie usług pracownika socjalnego.
W związku z realizacją projektu „Włącz się! Projekt aktywizacji społeczno – zawodowej” nr RPWP.07.01.02.-30-0032/16”, dofinansowanego ze środków Unii Europejskiej w ramach Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego w ramach Regionalnego Programu Operacyjnego Województwa Wielkopolskiego: Oś priorytetowa: 7. Włączenie społeczne, Działanie: 7.1. Aktywna integracja, Poddziałanie 7.1.2. Aktywna integracja – projekty konkursowe, zapraszamy do składania ofert na świadczenie usług pracownika socjalnego dla Uczestników Projektu, zgodnie z przedmiotem zamówienia określonym w zapytaniu ofertowym w trybie rozeznania rynku.
Dokumenty do pobrania:
Aktualizacja 25.09.2018 r.
W związku z realizacją projektu nr RPWP.07.01.02-30-0032/16 pt.: „Włącz się! Projekt aktywizacji społeczno-zawodowej” dofinansowanego ze środków Unii Europejskiej w ramach Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego w ramach Wielkopolskiego Regionalnego Programu Operacyjnego na lata 2014-2020, zapraszamy do składania ofert na przeprowadzenie kursów zawodowych, zgodnie z przedmiotem rozeznania wskazanym w załączniku.
Dokumenty do pobrania:
Projekt współfinansowany z środków Unii Europejskiej w ramach Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego. Całkowita wartość projektu: 983 585,00. Wartość dofinansowania z UE: 934 405,75 zł