Adam Kin – Systemowa Szkoła Przedsiębiorczości

Adam Kin

About the trainer

Bodywork therapist, breathing trainer, master of physiotherapy, regressor, author of the Progressive Systemic Settings methodology and the Master Life Guide and Meditation. He works with the method of B. Hellinger's Silent Constellations.

Involved in the mission of awakening the individual's awareness, making people aware of the huge role of therapeutic and spiritual practices in personal development. In his work, he combines the achievements of modern psychology, combining them with parapsychological and spiritual knowledge. He draws from the rich heritage of many cultures, choosing practices that he believes are safe and support development.




Systemic constellations

Additional information

For 15 years he has been actively participating in development workshops as well as coaching and mentoring sessions.

He gained his knowledge and perfected his practice under the supervision of Dr. Andrzej Rakowski (Manual Therapy in a holistic model taking into account psycho-emotional and psycho-spiritual aspects of a human being), Piotr Bednarczyk (Beskidzki Institute of Psychotherapy), Leszek Żądło, creator of the REGRESING® method, Sławomir Mika (founder of , Anthony Robbins, T. Harv Ecker, Wiktor Gołuszko (Searching for the Life Mission, and Conscious Breathing Techniques).

He learned spiritual practices and conscious building of relationships based on empathy and the heart from Sarita (a direct student of the eminent mystic – Osho), the founder of Tantra Essence, Bruce Lyon (Shambala Tantra), Mario and Gaya Wiśniewski (Tantra of the Heart).