ENTREPRENEURSHIP FACTORY – Systemowa Szkoła Przedsiębiorczości

Recruitment starts on September 1, 2017. Detailed deadlines are specified in the Project Recruitment Regulations..

Project implementation period: 01/07/2017 – 31/01/2019

The project is aimed at:

people over 30, unemployed (including those registered with the Labor Office), residing in the Lublin Province, belonging to at least one of the following groups:

  • people over the age of 50,
  • women,
  • people with disabilities,
  • long-term unemployed,
  • people with low qualifications.

Moreover, among the Project Participants there may be people leaving agriculture and planning to start a non-agricultural business activity (at least 3 people), who are in a particularly difficult situation on the labor market, which means that they belong to at least one of the above-mentioned groups.

As part of the recruitment for the project, additional points will be awarded to people:

– from rural areas,

– long-term unemployed,

– disabled.

The project offers comprehensive support in the form of:

  • training and individual consultancy in the field of establishing and running a business, as well as assistance in preparing a business plan
  • a non-returnable subsidy for starting a business up to the amount of PLN 23,350.00 / person,
  • financial bridge support (to cover the necessary fees) paid monthly in the amount not exceeding PLN 1,280.00 / person. for the first 7 months of the company’s operation (for 40 people),
  • extended financial bridging support provided for 3 consecutive months in the amount not exceeding PLN 1,270.00 / person (in the case of people who intend to hire an employee, for a maximum of 8 people),
  • consulting and workshop bridging support.

The aim of the project is to create new and sustainable jobs through self-employment and the creation of 40 new enterprises.

If you are interested in participating in the project, please contact the Project Office.

Project office:

ul. Nałęczowska 30, 20-701 Lublin (2nd floor, room 204)

phone. (0 81)747 94 08,

e-mail: fabryka@fundacja-spoleczna.pl


Recruitment documents:
  1. Recruitment regulations for the project
  2. Recruitment form for the project
  3. Recruitment form evaluation sheet (applies to the first stage of recruitment)
Documents on financial support:
  1. Regulations on awarding funds for the development of entrepreneurship
  2. Application for granting funds for the development of entrepreneurship
  3. Form of information to be submitted when applying for de minimis aid
  4. Business plan
  5. Business plan evaluation card
  6. The minimum scope of requirements for the assessment of a business plan
  7. Application for financial bridge support – update on March 9, 2018
  8. Agreement on granting financial suport
  9. The form of information provided when applying for de minimis aid – excel
  10. A template of the completed form of information provided when applying for de minimis aid
  11. Declaration of consent to the spouse to incur obligations resulting from the possibility of receiving financial support from the Participant of the „Entrepreneurship Factory” project
Documents to sign the contract with the participant:
  1. Statement on VAT eligibility
  2. A declaration on not receiving other aid for the same costs to the financial support contract
  3. Declaration of the Participant in the guarantor’s project
  4. Declaration on de minimis aid
  5. Declaration of consent of the guarantor’s spouse to provide security
  6. Declaration of consent of the spouse of the Project Participant to incur liabilities
  7. Declaration of the guarantors to the surety agreement
  8. Surety agreement

Call for 3 applications for bridging support extended under Entrepreneurship Factory project.

We would like to inform you that the participants of the project, who started their activity in July this year may, on 09-22 / 01/2019, submit an Application for extended bridging support for the next 3 months in the amount of PLN 1,270.00 / month.

The application may be submitted by Project Participants who employ an employee on the day of its submission.

The application should be submitted to the project office at ul. Nałęczowska 30, 20-701 Lublin in person or by post (the date of delivery of the Application to the office is counted) in 2 copies with attachments initialed on each page (where there is no signature).

You can view the Application evaluation sheet and the Application (with two types of record) to be completed.

In this round, support for the 5th Participant of the project is planned.

Assessment card

Extended application for financial bridging support doc

Extended application for financial bridging support.docx

List of applications for extended financial bridging support – call 3

Please be advised that Project Participants who set up their business by 31/05/2018 may submit an Application for extended bridging support for the next 3 months in the amount of PLN 1,270.00 / month on 05-19 / 11/2018.

The application may be submitted by Project Participants who employ an employee on the day of its submission.

The application should be submitted to the project office at ul. Nałęczowska 30, 20-701 Lublin in person or by post (the date of delivery of the Application to the office is counted) in 2 copies with attachments initialed on each page (where there is no signature).

You can view the Application evaluation sheet and Application to be completed (with two types of fyle saving).

In this round, support for the 5th Participant of the project is planned.

Assessment card

Extended application for financial bridging support

List of applications for extended financial bridging support – call 1

2. call for applications for extended bridging support under the Entrepreneurship Factory project.

Please be advised that Project Participants who started their activity in July this year, may submit an Application within 07-20/12/2018 for extended bridging support for the next 3 months in the amount of PLN 1,270.00 / month.

The application may be submitted by Project Participants who employ an employee on the date of its submission.

The application should be submitted to the project office at ul. Nałęczowska 30, 20-701 Lublin in person or by mail (the date of delivery of the Application to the office is counted) in 2 copies with attachments initialed on each page (where there is no signature).

You can view the Application evaluation sheet and the Application to be completed (with two types of file saving).

In this round, support is provided for 1 Project Participant.

Assessment card

Extended application for financial bridging support

List of applications for extended financial bridging support – call 2

Information for project participants from April 20, 2018:

Below we present information on the preliminary results of the assessment of applications for granting funds for the development of entrepreneurship and applications for granting bridge support.

Initial list of Applications _FP_gr. 1

Initial list of Applications _FP_gr. 2

Information for project participants of 10/04/2018:

Please be advised that the recruitment of Applications for financial support for the development of entrepreneurship and Applications for financial bridging support for group 4 and group 5 will start on April 24, 2018.

Applications together with business plans and the required attachments will be accepted in the period from April 24, 2018 to May 4, 2018 in the project office, room 204, ul. Nałęczowska 30, 20-701 Lublin.

Update of 05/04/2018.

Due to the fact that on March 13, 2018, the deadline for submitting Applications for granting funds for the development of entrepreneurship, along with a business plan for the 1st and 2nd Groups of Participants of the „Factory of Entrepreneurship” Project, RPLU. 09.03.00-06-0029/16 has expired,  the Application Assessment Committee was established, whose meeting will be held on April 13, 2018 from 09:00 to 16:00.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us.

Information for project participants of 19/03/2018:

Please be advised that the recruitment of Applications for financial support for the development of entrepreneurship and Applications for financial bridging support for group 3 will start on March 30, 2018.

Applications together with business plans and the required attachments will be accepted in the period from 30/03/2018 to 10/04/2018 at the project office, room 204, ul. Nałęczowska 30, 20-701 Lublin.

Information for project participants of 28/02/2018:

Please be advised that the call for applications for financial support for the development of entrepreneurship and applications for financial bridge support for group 1 and group 2 will start on March 13, 2018.

Applications together with business plans and the required attachments will be accepted in the period from March 13, 2018 to March 22, 2018 at the project office, room 204, ul. Nałęczowska 30, 20-701 Lublin.

Update of 05/03/2018

In connection with the implementation of the project no. RPLU.09.03.00-06-0029/16 entitled: „Entrepreneurship Factory” co-financed by the European Union under the European Social Fund under the Regional Operational Program of the Lubelskie Voivodeship for 2014-2020, we invite you to submit offers for the rental of training rooms, in accordance with the subject of research indicated in the appendix.

Documents to download:

1.Research of the WSP market under the ” Entrepreneurship Factory” project with attachments.

Update of 20/02/2018

In connection with the implementation of the project no. RPLU.09.03.00-06-0029/16 entitled: „Entrepreneurship Factory” co-financed by the European Union under the European Social Fund under the Regional Operational Program of the Lubelskie Voivodeship for 2014-2020, we invite you to submit offers for the rental of training rooms, in accordance with the subject of research indicated in the appendix.

Documents to download:

1.Research of the WSP market under the ” Entrepreneurship Factory” project with attachments.

Update of 18/01/2018

In connection with the implementation of the project no. RPLU.09.03.00-06-0029/16 entitled: „Entrepreneurship Factory” co-financed by the European Union under the European Social Fund under the Regional Operational Program of the Lubelskie Voivodeship for 2014-2020, we invite you to submit offers for the rental of training rooms, in accordance with the subject of research indicated in the appendix.

Documents to download:

1.Research of the WSP market under the ” Entrepreneurship Factory” project with attachments.

Update of 10/01/2018

In connection with the implementation of the project no. RPLU.09.03.00-06-0029/16 entitled: „Entrepreneurship Factory” co-financed by the European Union under the European Social Fund under the Regional Operational Program of the Lubelskie Voivodeship for 2014-2020, we invite you to submit offers for the rental of training rooms, in accordance with the subject of research indicated in the appendix.

Documents to download:

1.Research of the WSP market under the ” Entrepreneurship Factory” project with attachments.

2.Offer form with attachments.

In connection with the implementation of the project no. RPLU.09.03.00-06-0029/16 entitled: „Entrepreneurship Factory” co-financed by the European Union under the European Social Fund under the Regional Operational Program of the Lubelskie Voivodeship for 2014-2020, we invite you to submit offers for the rental of training rooms, in accordance with the subject of research indicated in the appendix.

Documents to download:

1.Research of the WSP market under the ” Entrepreneurship Factory” project with attachments.

2.Offer form with attachments.

Update of 12/12/2017

In connection with the implementation of the project no. RPLU.09.03.00-06-0029/16 entitled: „Entrepreneurship Factory” co-financed by the European Union under the European Social Fund under the Regional Operational Program of the Lubelskie Voivodeship for 2014-2020, we invite you to submit offers for the rental of training rooms, in accordance with the subject of research indicated in the appendix.

Documents to download:

1.Research of the WSP market under the ” Entrepreneurship Factory” project with attachments.

Update of 06/12/2017

In connection with the implementation of the project no. RPLU.09.03.00-06-0029/16 entitled: „Entrepreneurship Factory” co-financed by the European Union under the European Social Fund under the Regional Operational Program of the Lubelskie Voivodeship for 2014-2020, we invite you to submit offers for the rental of training rooms, in accordance with the subject of research indicated in the appendix.

Documents to download:

1.Research of the WSP market under the ” Entrepreneurship Factory” project with attachments.

Update of 27/10/2017

In connection with the implementation of the project no. RPLU.09.03.00-06-0029/16 entitled: „Entrepreneurship Factory” co-financed by the European Union under the European Social Fund under the Regional Operational Program of the Lubelskie Voivodeship for 2014-2020, we invite you to submit offers for the rental of training rooms, in accordance with the subject of research indicated in the appendix.

Documents to download:

  1. Research of the WSP market under the ” Entrepreneurship Factory” project with attachments.
  2. 2.Offer form with attachments.

Update of 06/10/2017

Recruitment for the project entitled The Entrepreneurship Factory within the call for the first group has come to an end! We invite you to familiarize yourself with the preliminary ranking list of people qualified for the project along with the reserve list. At the same time, we would like to inform you that you may appeal against the results of the recruitment process within the time limit and in the manner specified in the Recruitment Regulations. The list presented below becomes final after considering possible appeals..

Initial list of people qualified for the project

List of people not qualified for the project

Reserve list